Cheat Engine / cheat table scripts:
□Compact mode □Get skill pt □Get credit (Usage: Open stats) □inf. medic kit (recovery pack) from quick menu when use (min = 12) □Set min ammo# / recovery item# / material# when "trade from" robot / cargo □Personal ammo: No reload (# of ammo still decrease) □Enable O2 / HP / EN / Pickpocket / booster scripts □inf. Boostpack / Star Power / ship booster □Lock O2 □Lock HP □EN / ship weapon / Shield □inf. personal/ship EN weapon energy □Easy Pickpocket (90%) □Max pickpocket success rate (%) □Enable stealth helper - step 1 □Enable stealth helper - step 2 □Carry item weight multiplier □Manufacturing/ Research Lab: submit one item to fill stock# to 10 □Zero material during crafting □XP Multiplier □Ignore ship design error when save □Ignore ship design hard limit on add □Get game statistics
No inf. ammo in my table. Instead, you can trade between robot / or ship cargo to increase its stock. Most ammos are zero-weight.
Regarding credits: You may have noticed that the credit amount differs from what is displayed in the game status window. This can occur after one or more crew members have joined your party, where the table amount is less than the actual amount. It's possible that the crew members have their own funds, leading to an inaccurate total.
For ship weapons: Please notice, it's one turret per record in scripts. If you want to lock energy, remember to lock all of the records, or use option 0
Old releases
Latest release:
Notice: Because I already completed the game with level 101 and got most skills, so I did not test all scripts! At least "shield value" is not working. Fixed some scripts but not all of them are tested.