Time ='[amtrucks.exe+1C1AC08]+13C' -- get (total) in-game time as minutes (4 Bytes Address (from save))
gettraffic='amtrucks.exe+19c2710' -- get an effective address to modify, then A or B Time point was reached (Float Address (from config))
PRINT_TXT = 0 -- Show debug messages
-- 1 Minute ingame time = 1 tick to total in-game time
day=1440 -- 24 Hours (Day)
if (PRINT_TXT==1) then print('ENABLED') end
TrafficChangeTimer = createTimer()
TrafficChangeTimer.Enabled = true
TrafficChangeTimer.Interval = 10000 -- How often check (10000 == 10 seconds)
TrafficChangeTimer.OnTimer = function(TrafficChangeTimer)
ReadTime = readInteger(Time) -- read in game time (4 Bytes Address)
-- first time dividing in lua, outputs local float value..
-- removes everything except after dot(eg. 1327.1327 so makes into 0.1327)
if (PRINT_TXT==1) then print(FixedInGameFloatTime) end
if (FixedInGameFloatTime>0.5)
then -- during 12:00 till 00:00
if (PRINT_TXT==1) then print('Extreme Traffic') end
writeFloat(gettraffic,'9') -- spawns more AI cars
else -- during 00:00 till 12:00
if (PRINT_TXT==1) then print('Normal Traffic') end
if (PRINT_TXT==1) then print('DISABLED') end
TrafficChangeTimer.Enabled = false
based on http://lua-users.org/wiki/MathLibraryTutorial math.*
note : as for PRISM3D engine games, some values has their limits such as g_traffic, setting value to 10+ or higher will reset g_traffic to 1 (on config/save write).. ..then this script changes g_traffic value it directly writes into config/save files)..