Just xposted from frf to here
Had one link on frf to credit a table I was porting
Stn went mad and called me an ocd cunt?
Said I was traffic hijacking?
Removed messaging abilities and all my posts must be approved by a mod?
Said yall want frf dead?
Can some one fill me in?
If you're interested in knowing what set them off, go look at the table, it's copypaste.
Tables must have credit if distributed/modified and link to opencheattables.com
We have a discord that actually logs all their FRF stupid decisions, and put them up for display so everyone know what bad leadership looks like.
STN and Sunbeam are basically despots on their forum, with plenty of evidence to back it up too.
Honesty it's actually a pat in the back and a good medal of honor to piss off STN.
It's the reason why so many people are leaving FRF and form their own communities. All the Table makers have their own discord except a few that remain extremely quiet, like Gideon and Recifense.
I was really taken aback. It came out of no where and quite furiously.
I really like the boards, though. Brings me back, yknow?
Frf has been the de facto place for tables for about fifteen years.
Sucks to meet so horribly the hands that hold it.
If stn is around, man, you just gotta not.. idk not.. do -that-.
Totally off base.
Thanks for stopping by, though.
I hope to be a part of this community and I will post my work here.
Is this place aiming to stay around?
You mentioned discords? Pm invite?
I just wanna be a part of the community at large to share and learn.
Tables must have credit if distributed/modified and link to opencheattables.com
I was really taken aback. It came out of no where and quite furiously.
I really like the boards, though. Brings me back, yknow?
Frf has been the de facto place for tables for about fifteen years.
Sucks to meet so horribly the hands that hold it.
If stn is around, man, you just gotta not.. idk not.. do -that-.
Totally off base.
Thanks for stopping by, though.
I hope to be a part of this community and I will post my work here.
Is this place aiming to stay around?
You mentioned discords? Pm invite?
I just wanna be a part of the community at large to share and learn.
That is STN for you, paranoid to the core, who originally kept accusing me of taking down FRF multiple times both discord and the forums via DDoS. Little did he know it wasn't me and the discord event was me reporting sunbeam who committed some bad violations, but discord saw the need to ban the server rather than the actual user. So SOL on that one I suppose. Our discord becomes available to you once you are part of the community a bit, won't say how much but it will show up.
Yep, they've completely lost the plot there. I jumped ship because I found out some of the stuff going on there but that site in my eyes is a risk to be on and im staying WELL away. There are plenty of posts on reddit, here and various other places about whats going on behind the scenes.
People are finding this place slowly so eventually the rest of them will too
Oh wow an older user. Very cool thanks for being a part.
FearlessLameForums used to be the place, but with StinkyToeNails and PissBeam at the helm with their cheetos attitude...
Tables must have credit if distributed/modified and link to opencheattables.com
Wow, that's unfortunate to hear! I'm hearing more and more bad stuff about them. Probably better off here where people won't just flip a lid on you for giving proper credits! OCT is definitely one of my favorites.
So, tell me where should I go?
To the left, where nothing's right. Or go right, where nothing's left..