Well, play slowly...
I don't know if anything will be added later.
Again, backup your saves in different slots often. Scripts may not work in some situations.
Cheat Engine / Cheat Table scripts:
□Compact Mode
□Toggle Scripts
□Battle: When hit, try to maintain HP or min. musou / skill pt
□Retrieve the player's base HP if not already obtained / Additional HP options
□Also try to keep HP here? : No, Yes
□Also check min. skill pt? : No, Yes
□Guards / 護衛兵 (affects nearby units only)
□Try to fill guards (護衛兵) HP? : No, Yes
□Number of guards (護衛兵)
□min. HP Ratio
□Min. HP ratio for nearby friendly named characters:
□Min. musou ratio
□Min. skill ratio
□Max (nearby?) enemy non-trash mob HP ratio
□Max HP
□Max musou
□Max skill
□Musou gauge multiplier
□Skill gauge multiplier
□Battle: inf. meat buns / 肉まん
□Battle: skill pt (戰功) multiplier
□Battle: skill XP multiplier
□Battle: weapon EXP multiplier
□Battle: K.O. count multiplier
□Battle: inf. horse charge
□Battle: Horse EXP multiplier
□Battle: infinite item usage except for meat buns
□Battle: Trainings count multiplier
□Battle: Guard skill timer multiplier
□Battle: Get gained skill exp
□Level of Peace (太平値) multiplier
□Get last value of Level of Peace
□Get all level of peace value
□#1 / 司隸 / Sili
□#2 / 豫 / Yu
□#3 / 冀 / Ji
□#4 / 兗 / Yan
□#5 / 徐 / Xu
□#6 / 青 Qing
□#7 / 荊 / Jing
□#8 / 揚 / Yang
□#9 / 幽 / You
□#10 / 涼 / Liang
□Get horse EXP
□Set the stock of consumable items
□Get bonds level in Shui Jing Retreat (水鏡庵)
□Get weapon data
□Get money
□Skill Points / 武功
□Old Coins / 古銭
□Pyroxene / 輝石
□Moongrass / 月香草
"Nearby friendly named char HP%" sometimes will affect enemy (often in officer / named char.), too. Change it to 0 when enemy HP does not decrease. I think I already fixed it but not guaranteed.
About the remaining guard count: sometimes you may trigger guard skill even when guard count is zero. Max guard count is 50 in game.
About min. HP ratio: you will be defected if enemy's damage exceeds your current HP.
Last edited by bbfox on Fri Feb 07, 2025 8:36 am, edited 6 times in total.
I create tables to suit my preferences. Table is free to use, but need to leave the author's name and source URL: https://opencheattables.com.
Table will not be up-to-date. Feel free to modify it, but kindly provide credit to the source.