cei: Lua module for exploration of Cheat Engine objects

Lua package for in-depth inspection of Cheat Engine

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cei: Lua module for exploration of Cheat Engine objects

Post by Azaias »

A few months ago I posted a Lua module with a function called 'proprint'. Since then this turned into a package that I just called 'cei' (for Cheat Engine Inspection), and I use it for finding out what I can do with the userdata objects in Cheat Engine and how. I've added a total of 6 functions, and an optional max_depth parameter for proprint (and for some other functions too).

The password for the zip file is: cei

To use this package, you just have to place the 'cei' folder into either your Cheat Engine directory or another directory you can require() from. You have to return the package into a variable like in the picture. You can print info for all the cei functions and their parameters by using:

Code: Select all

cei.png (33.35 KiB) Viewed 2764 times
Password is: cei
(3.48 KiB) Downloaded 252 times

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